Sermons from 2018 (Page 5)
How can the church change?
Andrew spoke from Joshua chapter 3, and we discussed how the church might have to change to remain relevant to the culture around us, without compromising on our core beliefs.
God’s work amongst the Hanga people
On 21st January, Geoffrey and Rosemary Hunt led a special service looking at the work amongst the Hanga people of northern Ghana. Even though this may seem a thousand miles from Seer Green, the basic principles also apply to us. Geoffrey and Rosemary had to learn a new language in order to bring the Good News to the Hanga people. In this recording Rosemary speaks first to…
Church and culture
Continuing our series on our role in mission, we moved onto discuss Church and culture.
“…all things to all people so by all possible means I might save some”
Following on from our Advent series when we considered all the characteristics of Jesus expressed in Colossians 1 v15-27, we moved on to start a new course at the beginning of January 2018. But we started where we left off with Colossians 1 v28: “He is the one we proclaim…”, and moving onto…