If you have missed any of the sermons at SGBC, or wish to go back and listen again, you can catch up right here. Use the menus just above to search by sermon series, books of the Bible, speaker or date.
All the sermons below are in date order, with the most recent first.
God notices
On 9th May we started a new series: Transitions – a people on the move. Louise spoke from Exodus 6: 1-8 about how God notices his people.
Songs of Praise
On 2nd May we shared favourite songs and hymns, and celebrated communion together.
Jesus’ prayer
On 25th April we studied Jesus’ prayer in John chapter 17.
Discussion groups
On 18th April we spent time discussing the Team Talk in small groups.
Final words
On 11th April Chris finished the Team Talk with Jesus’ final words to his disciples in John 16 v12-33.
Easter Sunday
On 4th April we held a special celebration led by the children and their families.
Palm Sunday
The account of Palm Sunday is well known, but Louise challenges us to answer the question “who do we say Jesus is?” The recording starts with a reading from John 12, v12-19.
Discussion on the Holy Spirit
On 21st March we had discussion in small groups about Chris’ talk of two weeks ago. The recording is of Chris’ introduction before we broke into groups.
Small groups
On 14th March we met in four small groups with different themes.
But… nevertheless… and
Chris joined us on March 7th to continue the Jesus Team Talk, and he spoke about the Holy Spirit from John 15 verse 26 onwards. You will need to listen to understand the cryptic title.