Sermons (Page 7)

Sermons (Page 7)

If you have missed any of the sermons at SGBC, or wish to go back and listen again, you can catch up right here. Use the menus just above to search by sermon series, books of the Bible, speaker or date.

All the sermons below are in date order, with the most recent first.

Mission training 1

On 3rd October we ran a mission training workshop. The recording starts as Louise summarises a discussion we had on “what is mission?” The video which is played halfway through the session is provided by the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity and can be found here:

Summer Sundays

We are having a variety of informal gatherings and activities over the summer Sundays in July and August. The normal “sermon-recording” service will resume.

Reasons for hope

On 16th May we heard testimonies from Christians worldwide who are persecuted for their faith.