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All the sermons below are in date order, with the most recent first.
Review Sunday
A special service to start the process of reviewing what God has been saying to us over the past few months.
Pray – Yield
Chris finished our short series on prayer by talking about how we need to yield to God.
Pray – Ask
Louise continued our series on prayer by talking about what we can ask for, and how we should ask.
Pray – Rejoice
Gill spoke about the importance of rejoicing in our prayers and worship.
Pray – Pause
Today we start a new series on Prayer, and over the next few weeks we will look at different aspects of Prayer: Pause, Rejoice, Ask, Yield. In this recording Louise introduces the series and speaks about the importance of pausing.
Easter Sunday
A great service to celebrate and consider the Resurrection of Jesus.
Alive in Christ – Overcoming
To conclude the series on “Alive in Christ” we looked at Spiritual Warfare from Ephesians 6, verses 10-23.
Alive in Christ – Behaving
Chris speaks from Ephesians 4:17 – 6:9 and 1 Thessalonians 1:2-9, about the power of God to change our behaviour.
Alive in Christ – Maturing
Louise speaks about the importance of maturing in our Christian lives.
Alive in Christ – Belonging
Tim continues with our series “Alive in Christ” with this talk on what it means to belong.