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All the sermons below are in date order, with the most recent first.
On 4th June, the day of Pentecost, Andrew spoke about the first Pentecost: about how the Holy Spirit filled the early church to empower it to expand and grow, and about how the Holy Spirit still works in the same way in our lives and our church today.
Ascension – the passing of the baton
On 28th May Todd Nightingale, the pastor of Mill End Baptist Church, spoke about Jesus’ ascension into heaven. Todd used this account to remind us that the baton has now been passed to us: we are to continue to do Jesus’ work of seeking and saving the lost, and God sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to help us.
Adopted sons and daughters of God
On 21st May Chris Justice also spoke on the Holy Spirit, and in particular about how the Holy Spirit helps us live as adopted sons of God.
Am I walking with the Holy Spirit?
On 14th May Andrew spoke again about the period of 50 days between Easter and Pentecost, and he encouraged each of us to ask the question “Am I walking with the Holy Spirit” during this time.
Counting 50 days
To mark the period between Easter and Pentecost, Andrew preached on the roots of our faith. He led us to consider again the wonder of the events of the first Easter, and of the period of 50 days between Easter and Pentecost. This year we have had a special focus on how those events fulfilled completely the prophecies which are recorded in the Old Testament. And we have…
Training ourselves
On 5th March, Andrew spoke on one of the ways we can grow as disciples which is by training ourselves.
Know Jesus better
On 19th February, our good friend Chris Justice from Hope Church in Beaconsfield spoke from 2 Peter chapter 1 about how we can be effective and productive in our Christian lives, and gave the answer: by knowing Jesus better.
Being faithful witnesses
On 12th February, Paul Bosson from our church spoke from Ephesians 3, v14-21, about how we can be faithful witnesses.
How we grow as disciples
On 5th February, Andrew moved onto look at how we grow as disciples of Jesus, and spoke about spending time with Jesus, studying the Bible, being open to the Holy Spirit and learning from each other.
What are we called to do?
On 22nd January, Andrew started to look in detail at what we are called to do, and in particular at how we might make disciples of Jesus.