If you have missed any of the sermons at SGBC, or wish to go back and listen again, you can catch up right here. Use the menus just above to search by sermon series, books of the Bible, speaker or date.
All the sermons below are in date order, with the most recent first.
Christ in you, the hope of glory
Concluding our short series for Advent 2017 from Colossians 1.
Jesus creates and sustains all things
Continuing our series on the attributes of Jesus from Colossians 1
Jesus is the image of the invisible God
Andrew starts a short series looking at the attributes of Jesus from Colossians chapter 1
Advent Sunday 2017
Paul Bosson introduces our series for Advent 2017, speaking from Malachi 2v17 to 3v16.
“Going boldly….” Always be prepared to give an answer
Andy Bannister spoke from 1 Peter chapter 3: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
“Going boldly…” How to talk about Jesus without looking like an idiot
On the weekend of 25th and 26th November, Andy Bannister of The Solas Centre for Public Christianity came to lead two days of teaching on “Going boldly…” On the Saturday, he led a seminar on “How to talk about Jesus without looking like an idiot”
On Sunday 19th November, Chris Justice came to speak about a topic which is often closely linked to prayer: fasting.
Praying the Kingdom in
On Sunday 5th November, Andrew spoke about the importance of prayer: we are in a spiritual battle and we need to pray the Kingdom in.
Kingdom society
On Sunday 29th October, Danny Webster from the Evangelical Alliance spoke about what would a kingdom kind of society look like?
Kingdom worship
On Sunday 22nd October, Chris Justice continued the theme of the Kingdom of God, and spoke about worship from Romans 12: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.”