Sermons (Page 23)

Sermons (Page 23)

If you have missed any of the sermons at SGBC, or wish to go back and listen again, you can catch up right here. Use the menus just above to search by sermon series, books of the Bible, speaker or date.

All the sermons below are in date order, with the most recent first.

The characteristics of church

On 25th February Andrew returned to the mission shaped introduction studies which we have been following since January. This week we discussed the important characteristics of church and concluded there are four important elements: we gather together in the presence of God; we are a fellowship with deep love for each other; we seek discipleship – learning and growing…

Trust God in the small things

On 11th February we were delighted to welcome back Mandy and Noel Taylor, former members of our church, and workers with WEC International, a Christian missionary organisation. At the start of last year they moved away from south Buckinghamshire to Coventry where they are now based. They came back to talk from Zechariah chapter 4 about trusting God in the small things – a…

God’s work amongst the Hanga people

On 21st January, Geoffrey and Rosemary Hunt led a special service looking at the work amongst the Hanga people of northern Ghana. Even though this may seem a thousand miles from Seer Green, the basic principles also apply to us. Geoffrey and Rosemary had to learn a new language in order to bring the Good News to the Hanga people. In this recording Rosemary speaks first to…