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All the sermons below are in date order, with the most recent first.
Who, being in very nature God
On Advent Sunday, 2nd December, we started to look at the famous passage in Philippians Chapter 2 concerning Jesus. We shall be looking at this over the next four weeks as we look forward to celebrating the coming of Jesus.
Resolve conflicts
On 25th November, Chris Justice spoke to us from Philippians 3:13 to 4:9. We saw how the well-known verse in Philippians 4: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” can be applied to resolving the conflict which had arisen between two members of the church, Euodia and Syntyche.
Think differently
On 18th November, Andrew and a group of people started by sharing feedback from the Open Doors conference they had attended the previous day. Andrew said that one thing had struck him most about the suffering people who had spoken; and that was they thought differently to many of us. They always seemed to focus on what God wanted in their situation, however bad it was.…
On 4th November, Andrew spoke again from Acts chapter 16, the account of the early church in Philippi. In particular he focused on how Paul and Silas sought justice for themselves and the early church. Even when they had been released they didn’t sneak off quietly, but made sure that the injustices done to them were readdressed. Andrew and Will Luff then picked up…
Good, Better, Best
On 28th October, Chris Justice spoke from Philippians 1, v9-11, and picked up on last week’s theme of pressing on in our Christian life and not being content to tread water.
Life in all its fullness
On October 21st, Andrew continued our series from Philippians. He talked through the early chapters of the letter, looking at how Paul assured the young church at Philippi of his love and prayers for them. The pivotal verse comes in chapter 2, verse 12-13, where Paul, having assured the people in the church that they are saved, encourages them to continue to work out…
Being content
On 14th October, at our Harvest service, Andrew returned to the letter to the Philippians which we have been studying. Reading from chapter 4, verses 10-20, he spoke about Paul’s gratitude for the gifts and support he received from the Philippian church. Then he picked up on what Paul wrote in verse 12: “I have learned the secret of being content in any and…
The persecuted church
On September 20th we were delighted to welcome Andy from Open Doors who spoke about the latest Open Doors Watch List of countries where Christians are persecuted because of their faith. He then shared several moving and powerful testimonies from Christians in some of these countries.
On 23rd September we continued to study the letter to the church at Philippi. Chris Justice spoke from Philippians 4:4-9 where Paul writes “Rejoice in the Lord always”. Chris encouraged us to seek joy in our lives and our church.
The two churches in Seer Green met together for a joint service on 16th September. Andrew started the service by talking about us as God’s saints in Christ Jesus in Seer Green and Jordans; a reference to the opening of Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi which we have been studying. Then Cassa, the vicar of Holy Trinity church, spoke about working together…