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All the sermons below are in date order, with the most recent first.
Communing with God
On 17th February Andrew picked up on one of the points introduced by Chris last week, and asked how do we really commune with God?
Follow me
Last Sunday Andrew spoke from Philippians 2 and asked the question “how do we actually work out our own salvation?” which Paul instructs us to do in verse 12. On 10th February, Chris Justice picked up the theme and spoke about what Jesus meant when he says “Follow me”.
Becoming children of God
On 3rd February Andrew started a new series which will take us through the next few months: “Becoming children of God”. The talk starts with a reading from Philippians 2 v5-16.
On 27th January we celebrated our links with the Holistic Gospel Church in northern Ghana which was formed as a result of the faithful work by Rosemary and Geoffrey Hunt amongst the Hanga people in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Andrew gave a summary of a recent visit to Ghana, and then Geoffrey, Tim and Marion and Chris Justice gave their reflections.
Be available
On Sunday 13th January we were delighted to welcome back a long term friend of the Church, Dave McGuire. Dave spoke about how we must be available to do Jesus’ working, speaking from the Great Commission as expressed at the end of the Gospel of Mark. At the start of the recording Denise shares a special verse from the Bible; David speaks about his recent trip to…
Stepping into the unknown
At the start of the New Year the service was led by the Stable Lane housegroup. Sean reminded us that personally and as a church we are stepping into the unknown but with the sure and certain hope of Gods Grace.
Contemplating Christmas
After the busy-ness of Christmas week it is important to remind ourselves again of the true meaning. Chris Justice led us through a quiet contemplative service, reminding us of the miracle at Nazareth: impossible creation; amazing favour; and incredible attitude.
For God so loved the world…
On Christmas Day Andrew spoke about the “earth-rise” which the crew of Apollo 8 had seen, 50 years ago this Christmas. He went onto talk about how God loved this world so much that he had sent his only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but shall have eternal life. Happy Christmas!
He humbled himself….
In this penultimate study of the letter to the Philippians, on the third Sunday in Advent, Andrew spoke about Jesus’ humility.
Jesus emptied himself
On the second Sunday in Advent we had a technical glitch with the recording. So here, by special request, are the sermon notes that Andrew preached from. Philippians 2.1-11 There are two big themes in this passage. First of all, Paul presents the magnificence of Jesus – the sheer wonder and magnitude of who he is and what he has done. And secondly, but just as…