Sermons (Page 18)

Sermons (Page 18)

If you have missed any of the sermons at SGBC, or wish to go back and listen again, you can catch up right here. Use the menus just above to search by sermon series, books of the Bible, speaker or date.

All the sermons below are in date order, with the most recent first.


On 5th May we were delighted to welcome back Dave McGuire, a long term friend and partner of this church. The recording starts with Sean speaking to Dave about how he got involved with his work in Romania. Then Dave speaks about the importance of reconciliation, forgiveness and God’s love.

A people of praise

Andrew used the account of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to remind us we are called to be a people of praise. We discussed why and how others have tried to stop the church from praising and witnessing over the years. And we also discussed what might stop us declaring God’s love to the communities in which we live.

Grand opening

On 7th April we held a special service to open the new front of the church building, and to rededicate ourselves. We were delighted to be joined by some of the builders, designers and other crafts-people who had made the new front possible. Outside on the patio Andrew reminded us that our building is a gift from God, a tool which God has placed into our hands to enable us…

Mothering Sunday

In a special service for Mothering Sunday we had four contributions. Gill Shaw spoke about the work of WellFound, and the transformation in the lives of women and children in West Africa through the provision of clean water. Gill is a professional photographer and trustee of WellFound. WellFound is a water and sanitation charity founded in 2005 by a member of the church…

Mission update

On March 24th we were delighted to welcome back Simon and Ursula who were sent from this church to work in Ilford. We always look forward to their visits when they report back on their work and on what God is doing. A recording of the sermon is available on request. Please contact

The Great Commission

On 24th February, in a mission focussed service, Paul Bosson spoke about God’s promise to bless all nations through Abraham, and about Jesus’ great commission to his disciples. He went onto talk about how we still have that commission today wherever we find ourselves, at home, at work or overseas. The recording starts with Andrew speaking to Paul and Alison…