If you have missed any of the sermons at SGBC, or wish to go back and listen again, you can catch up right here. Use the menus just above to search by sermon series, books of the Bible, speaker or date.
All the sermons below are in date order, with the most recent first.
Finding rest in God
Chris Justice spoke about this important topic from Matthew chapter 11.
The importance of prayer
Simon Standen showed us how our prayers are vital in helping the people he is meeting in his daily walk in Ilford.
Self control
Tim Cox considers Paul’s trial before Felix (Acts 24) and notes, for us, the importance of self-control.
The shrewd manager
Chris Justice looks at the difficult parable in Luke 16 (the shrewd manager) and explores what it might mean for us.
My grace is sufficient
On 19th January Andrew spoke from 2 Corinthians about how suffering can be used to bring glory to God.
The work of the Holy Spirit
On 12th January Paul Bosson continued our series on the Holy Spirit, speaking from Galatians chapter 5 about the work of the Holy Spirit.
On the first Sunday of the year Andrew spoke about ambition and contrasted selfish ambition with Godly ambition. He reminded us of the three times that Paul mentions his ambitions in his letters: to share the Gospel with those who haven’t heard it; to live to please Jesus; to live a life that points others towards God. Andrew starts by reading from Philippians…
Mary and Joseph
On 29th December Gill led a reflective service for the end of the year. She spoke about Mary and Joseph, their humility and vulnerability, and what we can learn. These are the carvings which Gill refers to:
Carols by candlelight
At our carol service Andrew spoke about the humility and meekness we need to really understand what God has done for us through the birth of Jesus.
“We have seen His glory…”
Reading from John chapter 1, Andrew spoke about how we also can see His glory.