Sermons by Tim Cox
Abraham’s Story- Abraham Laughed.
Moulding culture
Tim spoke about how Christians are called to be salt and light in the situations they find themselves.
Alive in Christ – Belonging
Tim continues with our series “Alive in Christ” with this talk on what it means to belong.
God holds the plan
On September 26th Tim spoke from Acts 16, v6-10, about how we respond to the calling of the Holy Spirit.
Self control
Tim Cox considers Paul’s trial before Felix (Acts 24) and notes, for us, the importance of self-control.
An undivided heart
On Sunday 18th August our service was led by Barry and Janice’s housegroup based around the request of David in Psalm 86 to “give me an undivided heart”. Tim spoke about the experience of the Holy Spirit.
Count your blessings
In the fourth of our housegroup-led services, Barry and Janice’s group reminded us how important it is to count our blessings. They shared how we have been able to bless others through the missionary work started from this church, and then Tim spoke about ourselves.
On the Road to Emmaus
On 8th April Tim spoke from Luke 24, the well known account of the encounter with Jesus on the Emmaus Road, and drew parallels with our own encounters with Jesus on our journey through life.