Sermons by Louise Gilbertson

Sermons by Louise Gilbertson

Good Friday – The Glory of the Cross

Good Friday 2024, a service shared with Holy Trinity Church. A reflection on John 3:1-17 and John 19:16-20 and the paradox of the cross. A terrible day when Jesus suffered a pain filled death nailed to a cross yet also a glorious day when Jesus was lifted up as Saviour of the world, the victorious one.

Joseph – The Leader

This Sunday we trace how Joseph has grown into a capable, gifted and Godly leader. Lifted out of a dungeon to become a leader of influence and power who God uses to save many. It’s a story that asks each one of us – what type of person are you becoming ? Who or what is shaping your life?

Joseph – The Dreamer

Today we start a new teaching series on Joseph. Joseph of technicolour dream coat fame was a young person with potential and a God given gift to dream. Yet its a gifting that appears to lead him into trouble. Where will God take him, how will God form him and for what purpose ?