Sermons by Chris Justice (Page 6)
How do we seek the Kingdom of God
On 17th September we were joined by our good friend Chris Justice
Create in me a clean heart, O God
On 25th June, at the end of this series, it was lovely to welcome back Chris Justice from Hope Church in Beaconsfield who spoke from Psalm 51: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
Adopted sons and daughters of God
On 21st May Chris Justice also spoke on the Holy Spirit, and in particular about how the Holy Spirit helps us live as adopted sons of God.
Know Jesus better
On 19th February, our good friend Chris Justice from Hope Church in Beaconsfield spoke from 2 Peter chapter 1 about how we can be effective and productive in our Christian lives, and gave the answer: by knowing Jesus better.
Who are we?
In early 2017 we started to look at our mission and vision as a church. On 15th January, Chris Justice started by looking at the question “Who are we?” He covered the fact that we are adopted, chosen and called into the family of God.
Induction service for Andrew McCausland
We are delighted that Andrew McCausland has answered God’s call to be our new pastor. Andrew has come from Minehead where he has been senior minister of Minehead Baptist Church for the past ten years. On Sunday 11th September Andrew was inducted as part of a wonderful service of praise and thanksgiving. Chris Justice from Hope Church in Beaconsfield, who was our excellent…
1 Peter 5
On 17th July, Chris Justice from Hope Church in Beaconsfield finished this short series on 1 Peter by covering chapter 5. Chris described how Peter left instructions for church leaders, for the young and for everyone about building a sure foundation for the church.
Living in Grace 4
Finally, on October 25th. Chris spoke about “over-flowing grace”. As we receive God’s grace that should overflow and influence our attitude and behaviour to those around us.
Living in Grace 3
On October 18th, Chris spoke about “saving grace” – our response to God’s amazing grace.
Living in Grace 2
On October 11th, Chris went onto consider the amazing grace that we have through Jesus Christ.