Sermons by Chris Justice (Page 5)
Follow me
Last Sunday Andrew spoke from Philippians 2 and asked the question “how do we actually work out our own salvation?” which Paul instructs us to do in verse 12. On 10th February, Chris Justice picked up the theme and spoke about what Jesus meant when he says “Follow me”.
Contemplating Christmas
After the busy-ness of Christmas week it is important to remind ourselves again of the true meaning. Chris Justice led us through a quiet contemplative service, reminding us of the miracle at Nazareth: impossible creation; amazing favour; and incredible attitude.
Resolve conflicts
On 25th November, Chris Justice spoke to us from Philippians 3:13 to 4:9. We saw how the well-known verse in Philippians 4: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” can be applied to resolving the conflict which had arisen between two members of the church, Euodia and Syntyche.
Good, Better, Best
On 28th October, Chris Justice spoke from Philippians 1, v9-11, and picked up on last week’s theme of pressing on in our Christian life and not being content to tread water.
On 23rd September we continued to study the letter to the church at Philippi. Chris Justice spoke from Philippians 4:4-9 where Paul writes “Rejoice in the Lord always”. Chris encouraged us to seek joy in our lives and our church.
Holy Spirit – Living Water
On 29th April Chris Justice continued our short series looking at the Holy Spirit, speaking on the metaphor of the Holy Spirit as living water.
The Word of God is our foundation
On 18th March we were joined again by our good friend Chris Justice from Hope Church in Beaconsfield who drew together some of the threads of our discussions over the last few weeks. In particular he reminded us that the truth of the Word of God needs to be the foundation for everything we do.
Pray and don’t give up
On 18th February Chris Justice from Hope Church in Beaconsfield spoke from Luke chapter 18 about the importance of praying and not giving up. As we consider the role of church in mission, this is an important reminder that everything should be underpinned by persistent prayer.
On Sunday 19th November, Chris Justice came to speak about a topic which is often closely linked to prayer: fasting.
Kingdom worship
On Sunday 22nd October, Chris Justice continued the theme of the Kingdom of God, and spoke about worship from Romans 12: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.”