Sermons by Chris Justice (Page 3)
Daily conversation with God
On 24th January we had two separate gatherings looking in more detail at John chapter 15. In this recording Chris speaks about Jesus’ call to “abide in me”.
Straight talking
On Sunday 10th January we returned to Jesus’ “team talk” looking today at John 15, verses 1-17. Chris spoke about how we should seek to be fruitful disciples.
Carols by Candleight
A very different Carols by Candlelight this year. We met over Zoom on the day following the announcement of increased restrictions so it was good to be reminded of the timeless truth about Jesus’ birth through carols, readings and Chris’ talk. The audio recording of the talk is attached. The readings and carols can be watched again:
Made flesh
On the third Sunday in Advent Chris spoke about why Jesus had to come, picking up on the verses from the Jesus team talk in John 14 when Jesus says: “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.”
The Way
On the second Sunday in Advent, Chris spoke from Isaiah 40, John 14 and Luke 1 about how Jesus was the promised way through the spiritual wasteland, and through his birth became the fulfilled way to the father.
Jesus’ Team Talk
On 22nd November Chris Justice introduced a new series: Jesus’ team talk. We will follow this over the next few months, looking at the final instructions and encouragement Jesus gave to His disciples, and applying the lessons to ourselves in our current situation,
The most important people on earth
On 1st November Chris Justice spoke to us about the importance of prayer as we enter into this period of transition for our church (as well as another lockdown). The talk is based on Exodus 17 v8-16.
My presence will go with you
On 25th October we said farewell to Andrew and Denise. Chris spoke from Exodus 33 with a message for both Andrew and Denise, and for the church.
On 28th June Chris Justice spoke about how we get our identity as adopted children of God. The talk starts with a reading from John 1:1-14.
Spiritual Gifts
On 14th June we had two parallel meetings: a bible study and discussion on spiritual gifts; and a service and talk on the same subject. This is a recording of Chris’ talk, starting with a reading from 1 Corinthians 12, verses 1-11.