Sermons on John (Page 3)

Sermons on John (Page 3)

Jesus’ Team Talk

On 22nd November Chris Justice introduced a new series: Jesus’ team talk. We will follow this over the next few months, looking at the final instructions and encouragement Jesus gave to His disciples, and applying the lessons to ourselves in our current situation,

Jesus alongside us

On Sunday 22nd September Andrew returned to our series on the Holy Spirit. He spoke from John chapter 14 about how Jesus promised to send us an advocate and comforter, the Holy Spirit. He spoke in particular on the phrase in verse 17 in which Jesus says to his disciples “… you know him (the Holy Spirit), because he lives with you now…” Andrew used…

Life giving water

On 21st July Keith King spoke about the picture which is often given in the Bible of the Holy Spirit as life-giving water. He spoke particularly from John chapter 7 when Jesus said “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.”

Spiritual blessings

On 23rd June we welcomed back Keith King who spoke from John chapter 15. Keith spoke about the spiritual blessings which follow when we “abide in Jesus”. The gremlins stayed out of the machinery this week, so please listen as first of all Lesley reads this passage and then Keith speaks.

Mission update

On March 24th we were delighted to welcome back Simon and Ursula who were sent from this church to work in Ilford. We always look forward to their visits when they report back on their work and on what God is doing. A recording of the sermon is available on request. Please contact

The vine life

On 22nd July Gill summarised our journey over the past few weeks and looked particularly at what it means for us individually. She encouraged us to live the “vine life” as described in John 15, and the recording starts with Gill reading verses 9 to 17.