Sermons on Genesis
Abraham’s Story- Abraham Laughed.
Abraham and Sarah – Covenant relationship
Abraham and Sarah – The call to leave
Disciples Who Make Disciples – The Great Commission
Ben finishes our series on discipleship by exploring the Great Commission from the perspective of Genesis and the search for a wife for Isaac.
Joseph – The Leader
This Sunday we trace how Joseph has grown into a capable, gifted and Godly leader. Lifted out of a dungeon to become a leader of influence and power who God uses to save many. It’s a story that asks each one of us – what type of person are you becoming ? Who or what is shaping your life?
Joseph – The Dreamer
Today we start a new teaching series on Joseph. Joseph of technicolour dream coat fame was a young person with potential and a God given gift to dream. Yet its a gifting that appears to lead him into trouble. Where will God take him, how will God form him and for what purpose ?
Creation stewardship
In the second of our two harvest services on 4th October we were joined by Laura-Lee Lovering, our BMS contact based in the Peruvian Amazon. Laura spoke to us about creation stewardship in the context of her work with local farmers and drew out some practical lessons for us.
The Creator Spirit
On the first Sunday in Advent Chris Justice spoke about how we should relate to the Holy Spirit with particular reference to the Holy Spirit’s role in the events of the first Christmas and his ongoing role in creating new life.
The Great Commission
On 24th February, in a mission focussed service, Paul Bosson spoke about God’s promise to bless all nations through Abraham, and about Jesus’ great commission to his disciples. He went onto talk about how we still have that commission today wherever we find ourselves, at home, at work or overseas. The recording starts with Andrew speaking to Paul and Alison…