Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
Greetings! I trust you are keeping well in body, mind, spirit and humour in these challenging times.
Please do remember that we are praying for you and, although it is likely all organised gatherings (including Sundays) will be cancelled for a period of time, I am very keen to make sure that, as a church family, we remain connected to each other as much as possible. Church gatherings may be shut down but the church itself can never be shut down and will never be overcome or overwhelmed by whatever is going on in the world.
So please do take time, each day, to pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ. ‘Let us not give up the habit of meeting together’ as Paul says in Hebrews 10.25 ‘but let us encourage one another.’ Why not look at the Church Directory each day and identify one or two people that you could ring. If normally you would meet with others why not call them instead. ‘Let us not become weary in doing good’ as Paul says in Galatians 6.9 – we just need to find other ways to do it. I have met a few of you over FaceTime (an Apple device video call) for the first time over the last few days and what a joy it was.
Please do also pray for the leadership team at the moment as we have to make some tough decisions. It was really tough to shut everything down on Monday evening after the Prime Ministers press conference. Even tears were shed. The Deacons are ‘meeting’ (via the internet) this afternoon to think about Sunday gatherings. It is almost certain we shall have to cancel our Sunday morning services, but is there something else we can do instead to connect, encourage, exhort?
Our real desire is to help the church remain connected; to help each one of us keep the fire of faith burning and our walk with Jesus close; to help each other practically, spiritually and emotionally as we are able to, and to strengthen each other for the ongoing mission of the church, to love our neighbour as ourselves. We want to make sure the light of God’s love still shines in Seer Green (or wherever you may live) and that we continue to be Christ’s ambassadors in this difficult time.
I thought it might be helpful, for those who are interested, for you to have access to some of the advice we are receiving from the Baptist Union of Great Britain. If you follow the link here: you will be able to read the advice given to churches and ministers about church meetings and pastoral visiting. You will also be able to join the General Secretary of the Baptists Together Lynn Green and well over 2000 others of us for prayer each evening.
If there is anything we can do for you, if there is any way we can pray for you, please do email me or text or call my mobile, 07969969664.
You are in my thoughts and prayers and I send you love and peace in the Lord.