Seer Green Baptist Church is 175 years old, and we celebrated this anniversary throughout June 2018
Our history is important. Our church is here through God’s grace, but the faith of our ancestors has shaped the way we are, and so we celebrate our 175 years here in Seer Green.
We had a series of special events:
The four Sunday talks are all available on our Sermons page.
A brief history of our church:
In the 1820’s Baptists would meet in their own houses around Seer Green. The building which is the present-day Parish Church Hall in Chalfont Road was built in 1829 as a lace making school. A group of Baptists started to meet there in 1843, and the anniversary is counted from this date. The church raised enough money to purchased the building in 1857.
In 1893 the Baptists launched a fund for a new building. We have several documents relating to this period including a conveyance deed from 1898 for the purchase of the land on the opposite side of Chalfont Road which was to be the site of the new Baptist Chapel. The price was £130, and amongst the signatories from the church are some very well known local names: Worley, Boddy, Loveday, Childs, Lidgely and Saunders.
Moving forward many years, in 1970 Michael Herbert became minister. At that time plans were being made for a great expansion of Seer Green. The Manor Farm estate was to be created on the orchards and farmland. The vision of the church leadership was to move to be at the centre of this new estate. The new church – the present building – was opened in November 1980.
You can read a fuller version of our history here.